We are inviting up to 30 BBQ teams to this event. 25 teams are required to make this a qualifying event for "The Jack Daniels Invitational" and the "American Royal". Please plan on cooking all four meat categories, even if you do not think you may have a strong finish in one or more of the categories. In order to remain a qualifier, 25 teams must turn in all 4 meat categories on time.
$195 includes your 20' x 20' team space, turn in containers, and up to 20 amps of power. If you need more power, you must provide your own "quiet" generator. Many teams bring their own, just to be safe. Teams will be given a swag bag and a container to collect their People's choice votes. You are encouraged to decorate your space with lights, banners, etc. Have fun but keep it appropriate. (nothing obscene, political, or racially charged). The PNWBA will open registration sometime in May and you can officially register and pay at that time.
The Pacific Northwest BBQ Association website has a ton of resources. Here is a direct link to their rules page.
We recommend that teams set-up Friday evening. The competition area at Haydu Park in Kalama will be a tight fit, so the more teams we can get set-up in advance, the better. You can stay overnight in your space if you want. There will be security patrols throughout the night. The park closes at 11:00 pm and there is a security gate. The event organizer and crew will be staying overnight as well, so your set-up will be very secure. If you need to get into the park after the gate has closed, there will be a sign posted with a phone number to call for assistance.
If you are planning to set-up on Saturday morning, you may enter the park as early as 6:00 am on Saturday June 28. Once you are set-up in your 20' x 20' space, you will park your vehicle across the street from Haydu Park in a designated county rock pit. There will be signs. All vehicles must be out of the competition area by 9:00 am to ensure safety of guests who will be arriving at 10:00 am.
Security patrols will monitor the park overnight. You are welcome to sleep overnight in your space.
Samples should consist of 2 oz or 4 oz samples.
Selling full plates is discouraged. We want visitors to drop tokens with several different teams and be able to vote on “People’s Choice”.
Tokens are being sold for $3 each.
2 oz samples = 1 token
4 oz samples = 2 tokens
1 Rib = 2 Tokens
1 Chicken Leg or Thigh = 2 Tokens
This year the event will keep 25% of vending sales in order to fund future competitions. Your check will be mailed out on Tuesday, July 1st.
Garbage must be taken to the 20 yard waste bin in the gravel lot you drove through. Do not fill the small garbage cans around the arena. Those are for patrons. There is one hot ash disposal, and two bins that are for both grey water and grease in either one. These are located where you drive into the arena. Any teams disposing of waste in undesignated areas will not be invited to compete next year and may be disqualified from the competition.
9:00 am - All team vehicles must be out of the arena - NO EXCEPTIONS
Sometime Before 11:00 am - Health Dept. Inspection for teams vending/sampling
12:00 pm - Cook's Meeting - Mandatory for at least one cook from each team.
3:00 pm - "ANYTHING WILD GAME" - Prize is a custom made Adirondack chair by Arrow Timber.
If you are planning to sell samples you must be set-up and ready for patrons by 10:00 am and remain open until 7:00 pm on Saturday, and 11:00 am until 4:00 pm on Sunday. If you choose to vend, you must vend both days. Additionally, you must have at least one person designated to sell samples at all times. Patrons will be given 3 tickets per day that will be used as votes for their favorite teams. At the award ceremony on Sunday, we will announce the People's Choice winner.
Teams who are sampling must be set-up and ready for patrons by 10:00 am and remain open until 4:00 pm. This year you have the option of selling meat to the event and we will sell it in the Brew Fest on Saturday and Sunday.
Schedule for Sunday
PNWBA BBQ Prize Pool: $10,000
Grand Champion - $1,190
Reserve Grand Champion - $910
Payout in Each Category:
1st - $250
2nd -$225
3rd - $200
4th - $175
5th - $150
6th - $100
7th - $75
8th - $50
Showers are available this year at Camp Kalama. Only team members may sleep in your team space. Please encourage out of town friends and family to reserve a space at Camp Kalama (.5 miles away), one55elm (1.5 miles away), Kalama Harbor Lodge (2 miles away), or one of several nearby Airbnb or VRBO locations.